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[ Article ] | |
OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society - Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 26-68 | |
ISSN: 2093-5498 (Print) | |
Print publication date 31 Jul 2022 | |
Received 14 Jun 2022 Revised 18 Jul 2022 Accepted 25 Jul 2022 | |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14431/omnes.2022. | |
The Implications of Providing Voice-Based Chatbots in Public Service for Digital Inclusion and Public Communication | |
Jinsoon Song
| |
Dong-a University, South Korea | |
Funding Information ▼ |
Provision of voice-based chatbot public services by the government and public sectors is a means to realize digital inclusion in ICT society by ensuring information accessibility for the socially vulnerable. This paper presented five experts with information on artificial intelligence based on interviews on the relevance and utility, efficiency, accessibility, and openness of related technologies in providing public services and voice-based services. Moreover, a small online survey confirms that citizens’ attitudes, perceptions, and expectations of public institutions ahead of voice-based service provision are positive. Then the technical aspects of the voice-based chatbot is discussed, defining its significance and necessity in public service, and the implications of the considerations of the use of voice-based services are drawn out. As an aspect of public communication for open government facilitating digital inclusion, the chatbot voice-based service in public service entails the practice of social values, affording the socially vulnerable opportunities to participate in intelligent government, to strengthen information accessibility, and to guarantee and strengthen human rights and basic rights.
Keywords: voice-Chatbot, public communication, digital inclusion, the socially vulnerable, information accessibility, intelligence government |
It is composed based on the presentation materials of ICEC 2022.
This paper was funded with academic support from Dong-A University.
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Jinsoon Song(Ph.D.) is an assistant professor of department of public administration at Dong-A University. Major research focus on expanding the academic base of public communication in intelligence government and ways(channels, methos, etc) to promote public communication between government-citizens through AI technology media. Email: songjs@dau.ac.kr
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