OMNES : The Journal of multicultural society
[ Article ]
OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society - Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.154-189
ISSN: 2093-5498 (Print)
Print publication date Jan 2017
Received 28 Oct 2016 Revised 16 Nov 2016 Accepted 19 Jan 2017

The Problem with Islands: Is There a Long-term Solution to the Senkaku-Diaoyu Islands Conflict?

Emanuel Pastreich
Professor at College of International Studies, Kyung Hee University


The article traces the history of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and explores the underlying reasons why they have become the site of a political dispute between China and Japan. The paper suggests that islands have a specific ambiguity to them that makes them an easy space on to which to project political power and insecurity. Stress is placed on the changing concepts of geographical space that complicate what might otherwise have been a minor disagreement over islands and suggests how cultural factors have made uninhabited islands into a hot button issue that determines military budgets. The final section of the paper makes concrete suggestions as to how the conflict might be defused through cultural exchange and a broader conception of local issues. The author suggests that efforts to promote codependence and highlight local issues could make a difference because they will bring the focus of attention to the local communities.


Senkaku Islands, Japanese foreign policy, Okinawa, Daiyu Islands, Pacific Pivot, Okinawa


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Biographical Note

Emanuel Pastreich received the B. S. in Chinese literature from Yale College in 1987, the M. S. in comparative literature from University of Tokyo in 1992, and the Ph.D. in East Asian literatures from Harvard University in 1998. He has taught at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign and George Washington University. He is currently a professor at College of International Studies, Kyung Hee University. He writes about Asian culture and contemporary Asian international affairs. E-mail: