A Study on the Effects of Multicultural Teaching Materials Making Activities Based on the Capstone Design Teaching Model
This study examines the applicability of the capstone design teaching model as a teaching model for teacher education. This is done by examining how multicultural teaching materials based on the capstone design teaching model affected pre-service early childhood teachers’ multicultural teaching efficacy and learning motive. The subjects of this study were 30 pre-service early childhood teachers in their fourth year at the Department of Early Childhood Education of N University in G City. The experiment was conducted for 15 weeks from September 1 to December 12, 2014. When collected data were analyzed through paired-sample t-test, multicultural teaching materials making activities based on the capstone design teaching model were found to be effective in enhancing pre-service early childhood teachers’ multicultural teaching efficacy and learning motive.
capstone design, multicultural teaching materials making activities, multicultural teaching efficacy, learning motiveReferences
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