Employment Status Matters: Differential Patterns of Female Marriage Migrants’ Support Service Usage
This study examined factors that determine immigrant women’s service usage, using Gelberg-Andersen’s Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations as a conceptual framework. Considering that the degree to which female marriage migrants take advantage of support services varies considerably within the group, special analytic attention was given to possible differences in service utilization patterns depending on their employment status. The study utilized “National Survey on Multicultural Families” data set from 2009. Among the total 154,333 individuals, the study used a sub-sample of 53,155 female marriage migrants. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine possible differences in service utilization in relations to employment status. The relationship between the two support services (adjustment assistance services and family care services) was examined. In addition, the three domains of factors that jointly explain the use of services among female marriage migrants were explored. The study found that female marriage migrants have different needs depending on their employment status. In terms of adjustment assistance service use determinants, the strongest predictor was having Joseonjok (Korean-Chinese) ethnicity for both the employed and unemployed group. When predicting the family care service use, number of children turned out to be the strongest predictor for the employed group, whereas perceived needs turned out as the strongest predictor for the unemployed group. Findings from the study may provide useful implications for the development of social work services and/or service delivery systems that are tailored to the different needs of immigrant women based on their positions within the labor market.
female marriage migrants, support service utilization, employment status, Gelberg–Andersen’s Behavioral Model for Vulnerable PopulationsAcknowledgments
This paper evolved from a part of the author’s doctoral dissertation and was supported by a grant awarded to the Center for SSK Multicultural Research (CSMR) from the National Research Foundation of Korea
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Biographical NoteKyung-Eun Yang received her Ph.D. from the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto. She is currently an assistant professor at Yeollim Academy of Liberal Arts, Sungkonghoe University. She has published on the causes and consequences of social and economic inequalities associated with race/ethnicity and gender issues as well as effective approaches to reducing them. E-mail: kyungeun.yang@skhu.ac.kr